A Brand Marketer’s Guide to the Mobile Web and Mobile Apps

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Portada del eBookCoordina Mobile Marketing Association
Año 2011
Idioma English
Páginas 14
+info http://www.mmaglobal.com/

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When the Apple iPhone was released in June of 2007, it ushered in an era of excitement towards all of the innovative things that an “app” could do. The app, a simple piece of software downloaded onto a phone, took the device beyond talk, text and utilities like email, to higher levels of consumer engagement that came along with sophisticated graphics, video, mapping capabilities and social networking integration. For marketers, the app was an incredible attention-getting device: just having one was PR worthy, and it made mobile marketing tangible to CMOs and CEOs. In contrast, phones had “browsers” capable of accessing the web, but due to painfully slow access speeds and a multiplicity of device formats, content appeared less than optimal. They accessed sites built for computer-based browsers, and content could appear unreadable or a jumbled mess that reflected poorly on a brand.
